Monday, December 5, 2011

5 Inspiration Sites for Final Web Design

What I like about this site is the simplicity. The top of the site has the name of the artist, Ken Wong, then below his name are three boxes that are links to the three pages of his site. I like that he created three boxes as links instead of having a menu bar because it makes the site more visually interesting. Also, since the homepage does not have a lot of content on it, it is easy to navigate since it is so simple and straight to the point. 

What I like about this site is the design of the inside pages of the site. Once you click on the homepage to go inside the site, the heading of the site is on the top, the menu bar is underneath, and the content is below that. This site showcases graphic design work, and on each page of the site they provide examples of work. The examples are contained within one box separate from the background and are listed down the page. This is similar to the style that I would like to have on the inside pages of my site. The heading with my name will be at the top, below that will be the menu, and below that within its own box separate from the background will be the content. 

This site has the artist’s name and information in the top, and then has the links to his work below. He put the links into their own boxes with a small picture of his work inside, and listed them down the page. Making his links into boxes instead of just listing them makes them easier to navigate, and also adds a nice design structure. 

I like this site because it is simple and easy to navigate, but also has interesting design elements. The top and bottom halves of the pages are divided, and on the top half he has the menu of the site, his name, and a brief description of his services. In the bottom half he has examples of his work. I like the way he deigned his links because of just listing them, he created a circle with an image of his work that links to the pages of his site. I like that he put his links into their own divs, instead of just listing them with words. 

I like this site because the homepage. I like that he has his name and information in the center, and surrounding his name he has  five shapes that each link to the five pages of his site. His site is laid out very clean, and simple. The idea of having separate shapes that each contain a link to a page is what I would like to try for my portfolio site. It keeps the homepage simple, and avoids the use of a menu bar. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lady Gaga Removal

5 project ideas

1. For my first idea, I would use this picture of the New York Public Library from 1908 to make a juxtaposition between old and new. I would take this photo and leave in the original building but mask out the people and horse and buggy's. In their place, I would put in images of modern people and modern cars. Since this building is still standing today, the purpose of this photo would be to show how the world has modernized around this old building.

2. For my second idea, I would change the wording and color of normal street signs to the opposite of what their meaning is. For example, I would take a 'one way' sign and have it say 'no way'. I would take a red 'do not enter' sign and change the color to green. We have grown accustomed to the colors and symbols of street signs that the slightest change could throw off the whole meaning. 

3. For my third idea, I would put one sport within another sport. I would take this picture of a soccer field and mask out the girls playing soccer. In their places, I would put in professional hockey players in their full uniform. This would create an impossible photo since it would look as if hockey players were playing ice hockey on a soccer field.

4. For my forth idea, I drew inspiration from this photo by Tom Wesselman. I would create photo of an American meal by bring together elements from other photos and putting them into one. I would have a dinner table, and set on it would be a burger and a plate of fries and put a coke behind it. I would add in other elements as well to tie together the American meal theme.

5. For my fifth idea, I took inspiration from these pictures at the zoo. In these pictures, the monkey's are in the cages and the people are outside looking in. I would like to create a picture in which the opposite is happening; there are people inside the cages and the monkey's and animals are outside the cage looking in.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Scavenger Hunt - Color Correction

Extreme Close Up      



Article of Clothing



Depth of Field

Diagonal Lines


Frame Within in a Frame

Interesting Pattern



Long Shot

Medium Shot



Something Handmade

Something in Motion

Still Life


Unnatural Light

Text Images

Rise Up


Think Small