Monday, September 12, 2011

9/14 Critique - Andreas Gursky, Rimini, 2003

                What I like about this picture is the use of balance. Only the beach and the umbrellas cover the bottom third of the photo. When moving up the photo, the beach becomes more distant and the umbrellas start to become smaller and smaller. This creates a natural movement for the viewer’s eyes to follow the path of umbrellas from the bottom of the frame to the top.
                What creates balance in this photo is that the beach is always in the center of the photo. The beach covers the entire bottom of the photo, but midway through a city appears on the left and an ocean appears on the right. The beach becomes smaller and narrower as it moves into the distance because the city and the ocean start to take over more of the frame. What helps the viewer’s eyes move along with the beach is the path of colorful umbrellas. The colors are vibrant and they stand out against the neutrality of the sand. They also appear in repeating blocks, and they give the photo a sort of pattern that is very intriguing.

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