Monday, September 12, 2011

9/14 Critique - Rineke Dijkstra, Coney Island NY USA June 20 1993, 1993

                This photo captured me instantly because of the color contrast and the symmetry. I really like the technical aspects of this photo. The picture is in sharp focus and the exposure and lighting are all well done. What is so attention grabbing about this photo is the contrast between the girl and the background. The background is a beach, and the colors are pastel tones and are all neutral. Against that is the girl with fair skin wearing a black bathing suit. The color of her white skin and the dark bathing suit pop out against the neutral background, and that places all of the viewer’s attention on her.
                Another interesting aspect of the photo is its symmetry. The girl is standing in the direct center of the photo and her bathing suit and body position is almost exactly the same on both her left and right side. By using both these techniques, Rineke Dijkstra was able to put all the focus and emphasis of the photo on this girl, and by doing that it makes the viewer care about who she is and why she is there.

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