Monday, September 12, 2011

9/14 Critique - Diane Arbus, Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, NYC, 1962

            This picture is very simplistic; a child standing in central park. The technicality of this photo is interesting since the child is standing in focus in the foreground, while the other subjects in the background seem to be a bit blurred. The composition of this photo has the child standing in the center of the photo in clear, sharp focus in the foreground. The angle of the shot makes the world around him seem almost curved and a little distorted.
                With the technicality and composition of the photo, Diane Arbus was able to effectively bring the viewers eyes straight to the child. By doing this, she is able to showcase the character and the personality of the child because there is nothing else to distract the viewer from him. In the photo, he is the center of attention and nothing else matters except him. I like this photo because the viewer is clearly able to see his quirks and sort of strangeness that makes him who he is.

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